Thursday, July 17, 2014

The garden

The garden has been growing like wildfire!  The first batch of corn is over my head now and the later stuff is anywhere from knee high on up!  Everything is looking pretty good.  We have decided to be completely organic, which is great, but also has some drawbacks when the pests arrive!  I've lost one tomato plant and several cucumber plants to some type of wilt.  It's unfortunate, but thankfully I planted a lot!! However I believe I am going to be short on tomatoes this year. ;(
July 2nd, 2014
Different Angle

The back garden with sweet corn, strawberries, Rhubarb, sunflowers and squash
The corn on July 2nd! 
(wait until you see it now!)
My sexy gardener!
He's weeding the onions
Watermelon plants
Female flower

male flower
Did you know that there was a difference?  Yes, well then you probably paid attention in science....thank your teacher for keeping it interesting.....if you didn't know this, you're welcome! I'm glad that you learned something new!
Well, this is probably a good spot to stop.  I will have to be better about updating this with more recent pictures.  The garden is growing like wildfire and it is hard to keep up with everything!  I'm not certain how summer can fly by so quickly, but it is!

Here are a few visitors we recently had in the backyard!

I'll leave you with that :)

1 comment:

  1. So now I know where I'll be doing my produce shopping from now on.
