Friday, June 27, 2014

Back to reality! (An oldie dated March 21!)

This title is a result of the fact that I actually had to work an entire, full week this week.  I have felt like a part time employee with all these snow days....I've honestly lost track.  However I decided a full week of work is not fun.  It's for the birds! I have been exhausted & completely out of it!

On a positive note the time change is keeping things lighter a lot longer so my nights have felt more productive around here.  It is starting to make me feel as though summer is coming despite the sub zero temperatures for this time of year.  I cannot believe that there is still snow on the ground!  I want to get my garden started but currently, there is a river running through it....literally!  Oh brother!

More breaking news from "down on the farm" (not sure we qualify for a farm with only one animal).... We had a coyote visit right in the backyard! No kidding 50 feet off the back deck while the dog was standing there.  I, of course had a minor panic attack, but quickly recovered....just not enough to grab a gun and shoot it.  He came back around that night, and there was a pack out here howling away this morning.  It may just be time to start hunting!