Saturday, February 13, 2016

Plunging into oils!!

Well, I did it....I joined the oil revOILution.  I've been thinking about it, researching it, wanting to try it and finally dove in.  I bought my Young Living oil kit just over a month ago and I have been diffusing oils daily both at home and at work, and rolling on the stress away blend with all these snowy hour long commutes to and from work.

There are so many ways to use them out there on the web but since I am still breastfeeding, I am quite cautious yet.  I love the pleasant fragrance in my home when diffusing and I enjoy the fact that the diffuser shuts off automatically if I forget because that doesn't happen with candles.  The other great thing is that I do not have to worry about hot wax and half empty jars.  The oil diffusing also has calming, and health benefits.

I'm looking to live a healthier, cleaner life.  It was part of our decision to land out here on the farm.  The next few projects on my plate include more cleaning products using the various essential oils with anti bacterial/ disinfectant properties, making re-usable dryer sheets, and organic garden sprays for my vegetable gardening.

If you are curious about the oils, you are welcome to ask me questions.  I'm still learning daily, but I am super excited about them.  Think you want to try them yourself, you can check out the kits that are on sale for 10% off this month.  It's a really great deal!

If you are interested in checking them out, signing up as a retail or wholesale individual, Click here !
The link will open a new window to the Young Living oils site where you can browse the kits that are on sale for Februray 2016.  View their full line of products including beauty care, kids, pets, cooking, diet, energy....they've got a plethora of items available!

Organic gardening with essential I come!