Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Feeling Lucky?

Do you ever feel lucky? Have you ever woken up in the morning, looked around at your life and everything surrounding you and said to yourself...."You're a lucky girl/guy!".... Have you done this?

I ask because lately I have! I love my new house, location and everything else that is included. I love the view, I love the counters, I love my new bath tub, I even love to clean this place( and cleaning is not a fav of mine!).......I love it all.  I have really no desire to go other places because being here every day, all day, makes me happy enough and life is good.  I could easily find a million things to complain about though.....but the choice is mine.....glass half full? Or glass half empty?  We have the choice everyday when we wake up to make or break the day!  I believe one reason I love being here is due to the quiet solitude - free of our complaint filled world.  Yesterday, I ran to get groceries and a gentleman one lane over was complaining loudly about gas prices.  He was pissed!  He couldn't believe that gas was $3.85.  The clerk said to the man, these two stations right up the street are $3.77.  He didn't care, he continued to carry on about the $3.85 and it appeared that he really just wanted to argue.  The clerk was seemingly uncomfortable as he continued to rant.  Really dude! Is your yelling going to fix anything?  Not to mention that he probably just ruined that cashiers morning!  What's the point!?  It's beyond our control.  Am I guilty of doing this in the past? Yes, but maybe not to the same degree.  Complaining is quite easy to do and misery loves company.  When I am around others who complain, I am VERY easily sucked in and dragged down.  I hate it!  I have found that I isolate myself for that exact purpose.  Being alone for an entire day free of complaint with my own thoughts, working out in the yard listening to the glorious sounds of nature is life at its best, in my opinion.  

Some may look at this post as a complaint about people who complain....that may be accurate....I am kind of complaining in a way.....or am I simply stating a fact??  I wonder this....do people ever consider their audience when they complain?  What if the cashier at the store wasn't able to drive or afford a car, and would appreciate the opportunity to buy gas?  Or how about the woman complaining about her kids to a group of friends and how she is sick of being a mother while one of those women is struggling greatly with infertility? She would give anything for an opportunity to be a mother on her own.  How about the person complaining about their home(I was guilty of this in the past) in front of someone who lives in an apartment and would give anything to be a home owner....we often do not think before we speak and I would like to challenge anyone reading this to do so.....including myself!  

I don't actually like to talk.  Some of you are probably laughing really hard at this because you know I tend to talk a lot......heck look at all I have said already!!!  However I often talk a lot because I am nervous or anxious and I can't shut up.....it's bad, I know....but if you are with me and I don't say much....nothing's wrong.  I want the silence to feel comfortable with others but often it isn't and so I fill it with pointless chatter.
To those who have endured this....I'm sorry!

I will leave you with this .....my daily morning view for which I am so very thankful!
Look around you and think about the things that you are thankful for....someone else might just be yearning for what you have today.

Monday, July 8, 2013


We enjoy finding neat antiques.  We go to a monthly antique fair and we also find estate, garage, and barn sales to rummage through to find neat things for around our house.  We started this while at the old house and quickly began accumulating 'too' many things!  However, I am very thankful because everything does happen for a reason.....all of those antiques look great in this new house!
Below I will share a few of our good finds!
Our new rocker

One of the new nightstands
Stained leaded glass hooiser

Stained leaded glass panel my husband picked for me!

One of our many book shelves.  Filled with our many books on things we like. On top we have an antique glass buoy that we picked at a shop in FL and an antique wood level.

Another hoosier....this was one of our first antiques!
Some of my orchids adorn the top.  In the fore ground, you can see my beautiful granite counters.

Another book shelf picked at the Antique fair in town.
Another wood level on top as well as a Swazeey's Improved Mason next to the stone bird house with copper roof that was made by Drew's mom!

Stained glass lamp picked online....unfortunately it sustained damage in shipping ! :(
Some of my ball jars....do you see the fish pitcher up top?  It is a gurgle pot.  When you fill it with water, it makes a gurgle noise when you pour it....it's neat!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


This will be updated multiple times to show many of the before/after shots we have...and hopefully remember to take pictures!!
The first thing that I started was this rock wall area.
Rock wall area
Another shot ....lots of weeds

and another....
This is through the window & screen but another shot of progress being made!
Take a look at this rock wall area
I am currently working on this....updates to follow.

After the grass kill and rip out
Another view....
Landscaping fabric and plants
all laid out....
Another view....
The stairs...
one view....
the ferns are looking good in the rocks
another view....
So, I still have more work to do, but I am taking a break today to just chill!  Having a friend over and I think we will sit on the deck in this beautiful weather, drink some wine and stare at my hard work! LOL
Stay tuned for more updates on my projects!