Saturday, June 29, 2013


So I said that I would share a little more about the history of our home.  I took a few old pictures of the photos that were left for us that show what the home used to look like.  Take a look....
This is an aerial shot of the house
Photo is guessed to be in the 50's
This is a copy of a painting or drawing of the house (year unknown)

This is a winter shot that matches the aerial view
so our guess is again in the 50's.

This is apparently the original homestead
the year is unknown and due to the damage
 of the photo it is tough to see it well.

Cows in the pasture

Down in our Michigan basement the original owners incorporated old bottles and the ones that are unbroken are filled with seeds.  Kind of an early sign of 'preppers' (haa haa) I'd like to know if any of those seeds would germinate anymore. I also find that every time it rains and the ground is washed out in different areas I find new relics around the yard.  While landscaping and digging something new always pops up!  It is kind of neat. 

I hope that we are able to learn more about the history of our new found home and maybe even some more neat 'treasures' along the way!


So yesterday my husband and I picked some cherries after dinner.  They were pretty tasty and I was kind of wanting to make a cherry pie as it is a favorite of mine!!  Today was the day and I took a few pictures to boot.  Enjoy....
One of our buckets of cherries
All washed up and ready for pitting

making the crisscross pattern

Ready for baking
Well, you are probably wondering why I would want to take all that time to do something like this but it really isn't all that bad.  I find that cooking is relaxing and gives me time to actually chill out.  Not to mention keeps me out of doing back breaking yard work yet again! haa!!  I used good ole Betty Crocker's recipe for this.  I just pulled it out of the oven so I do not yet have a picture or a taste, but I will update you on that once I get to it!  Nothing beats a homemade pie made by you, free of chemicals and preservatives!  It really is the best!  Stop by sometime for a bite to eat, it may not be a cherry pie but blueberry pies are made often here!!

Finished....and ...ready to eat.

We ate this pie in 24 hrs and I had to make another!  The 2nd was better than the 1st and I want to savor every little bit!...also want to go pick more cherries and make more pies!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Old House~New House

Old House

This is our old house.  My husband built this house himself and poured his blood, sweat and tears into it!  It was a very cute, cozy, nice house.  We just needed more space and room to grow.  We do miss this gorgeous yard!  It will take quite some time to transform the new yard into something this nice, but if we are patient it too will come!  I remember when we first started dating and I visited this house.  The yard was brown and looked like a desert.  This really only took a couple years and some effort!

Well we close on the sale of this home next week!  It will be sad closing that chapter of our lives, but exciting to only have one house payment and one yard to mow!

                                            New house

As you can see, the yard here needs a lot of work!  I am also not crazy about the front appearance as it needs a porch or something.  It also needs landscaping. Nothing like the old house!  We tried to seed it already but it is washing out due to the gutters being clogged!  It seems as though each time we clean them, they clog up prior to the next rain. Of course!!, one step at a time. 


Different angle
One of our barns
Garage/barn...this houses 2 garage stalls and a sliding door with a stall for our tractor.  Basically a 3 stall garage.  It is set up with a wood burning stove. We would like to make it red and add some windows.

So, I had this done but then tried using my phone & deleted 1/2 of the post!  Let's try it again!
Our home was built in the late 1890's to 1900.  We have some documents from the early 1890's.  We were told that there was an original homestead /cabin that was damaged/demolished in a tornado which led them to build the first part of our current home.  It has had additions over the years to become what you see above.  We have more changes in mind, but we agreed that we would wait one year before doing anything.  I am intrigued by the history and wished that these walls could talk.  Some day I will take some more pictures to share of the neat things around here.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Gotta start somewhere.... we I had some errands to run and things to take care of at our old house as we close on the sale next week.  I was looking forward to coming home and working in the yard when a large downpour ensued and left me inside.  I figured well I could start unpacking all those boxes upstairs but that seems overwhelming.  I could mop the floor, but I am not all the interested in doing that either! haa (who is ?!?)  So I settled in on the couch with the I-pad to search grout cleaning solutions. I found something that caught my eye so I thought I would try it.

The next 2 pictures are before shots of the grout in my kitchen.

                                         Below is the little area I tested. Yep it works!!
Started to scrub the middle.....
and more.....

So the corner is where I started, working out.....the tile blends so well with clean grout!  I am amazed at how this is looking in such a short time.  So you are probably thinking that this took a lot of cleaners and scrubbing but the beauty of it is, it didn't!

I did that corner in 10-15minutes.  The recipe I used was a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and hot tap water.  That's it.  Natural, safe, not harsh on the hands and I used a small scrub brush that I probably intended to use on dishes or in the shower but it now has an official "Floor" label on it. Well I have to get back to work because I am going to shock my husbands socks off tonight by getting the kitchen done!  I am just so excited!!
I did not get done prior to my husband returning home, but...I did get a large portion done and he was beyond amazed!  Actually, not getting it all done allowed him to see the amazing difference even more.  He hated the tile in our kitchen and wanted to rip it out as soon as possible, but after returning home last night he said that this made it much more tolerable and easy to look at!!  See, sometimes it doesn't have to be a drastic expensive job to make a difference!!  I am now working on the bathroom/laundry room which appeared to be even dirtier than the kitchen.  I do not have before/after pictures but it is looking great!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

This new life

Wasn't sure that I would ever do this, but it seems to be the best way to share our life and the progress being made.  We recently bought our first home together and the endless projects have begun!!  It is exciting, crazy, and a lot of hard work!  I will speak for myself when I say that I am loving every moment of it!  When I have time, I will begin to post photos of before & after projects we have.

So, where does one begin?!  I didn't think that I wanted to do a blog because I was trying to detach myself from the technology in my life but here I am!  There are so many friends and family asking about our new place, and the changes taking place around here are coming and going and I feel like I want to document and share these.  Maybe they are insightful or useful to someone else at the same time which would be great!