Sunday, November 15, 2015

A Whole Year!

Well, Well where has a year gone!?  And my, oh my, what this year has brought us!  It’s opening morning, the hubby has set out for the woods.  The dog is nervously watching out the window into the darkness because she is still scared about going outdoors after hearing the coyotes having a field day last night.  And I am sitting here typing while simultaneously snuggling the new love of my life!  Life is good, and I pray that my husband is not being hunted by the pack of coyotes right now. 

Well last year we left off on opening day, I was cooking, and the weather was blustery as we had snow!  Yes, snow!! This year it will be 60 for opening day and I hope to get out with my 2 sidekicks to catch a few fall rays.  Since last year, we have completed another house project and gleefully added a new member, two little feet, to our household.  She is the love of my life, and daddy would second that! So to prepare for her arrival, we made some changes, and renovated the upstairs.  Actually, gutted would be a better word.  The boys started in April and carpet was done July/August.  We are still decorating, adding furniture, hanging pictures, what have you…..but it is gorgeous, the transformation.

I have just a few more weeks off of work, and am dreading the return, as I love being a mom.  This is by far the best ‘job’ of my life and I don’t want to miss a second of her growth and beautiful face.  Some may say that I hold her too much, but quite frankly, I don’t feel that’s possible.  I’ve waited soo many years for this moment! The surgeries, the endless Dr visits, the fertility treatments with drugs and shots (horrible!), the miscarriage……the aching broken heart… is impossible after all of that to over love this child.  While I reeled in pain over the past several years, I can say now, while I do not wish to re-live any of it, all of it was worth the wait as I lovingly look down on the angel that I hold sleeping on my chest right now.  She is such a miracle, my our little miracle.  There is not a day so far where I have not looked at her in awe and said ‘Can you believe she’s ours! Can you believe that she grew inside me!?’ What an amazing world we are a part of.  She is perfect…..absolutely perfect and I am utterly in love!
Here are a few pictures.....
my lil angel
gutting the place!!
laying out new walls

Finished products

A big shout out to my husband for all his hard work, great ideas, and dedication to this project!