Monday, July 21, 2014

Let the Bounty Begin.....


What the Kale!?! Can you see the size of this behemoth??


Well, I slowly started to get things out of the garden.  First it was just lettuce and an early cucumber and zucchini but now things are really starting to kick in gear!  See for yourself!
More Kale

A bowl of goodies

beans, beans...and in the background are zucchinis and a cucumber
Kale, radishes, zucchini, cucumber...

Before I know it, I will be canning up a storm!  I look forward to having some fresh, homemade, chemical free foods to consume.  I will be purchasing my first pressure canner so I am able to can my own beans.  It is going to be fun!


Another update

Well I promised some updates....hope these pics from this week do justice!
Could the sky look more amazing?!
My trusty sidekick is modeling so you can see the corn!

This is looking to the West....Those are potatoes next to the corn
Left: Onions
Center: Potatoes
Right: Cucumbers
Watermelon and squash/pumpkin area
one of the watermelons is starting nicely!

Another variety

Green Beans
I have no clue what this!  Thanks to my greenhouse tipping over 2x's!

butternut squash waiting to be fertilized by pollination!

Again, I'm not sure...sad, I know!
See the first tomato to be ready!
Another butternut squash

Sweet banana Peppers


Thursday, July 17, 2014

The garden

The garden has been growing like wildfire!  The first batch of corn is over my head now and the later stuff is anywhere from knee high on up!  Everything is looking pretty good.  We have decided to be completely organic, which is great, but also has some drawbacks when the pests arrive!  I've lost one tomato plant and several cucumber plants to some type of wilt.  It's unfortunate, but thankfully I planted a lot!! However I believe I am going to be short on tomatoes this year. ;(
July 2nd, 2014
Different Angle

The back garden with sweet corn, strawberries, Rhubarb, sunflowers and squash
The corn on July 2nd! 
(wait until you see it now!)
My sexy gardener!
He's weeding the onions
Watermelon plants
Female flower

male flower
Did you know that there was a difference?  Yes, well then you probably paid attention in science....thank your teacher for keeping it interesting.....if you didn't know this, you're welcome! I'm glad that you learned something new!
Well, this is probably a good spot to stop.  I will have to be better about updating this with more recent pictures.  The garden is growing like wildfire and it is hard to keep up with everything!  I'm not certain how summer can fly by so quickly, but it is!

Here are a few visitors we recently had in the backyard!

I'll leave you with that :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A bit of this and that....

Well there are a few other things that needed updating.  This spring I finally took everything off the loom from my winter work.  Here is a view of a few of them.  The patterns all turned out cool and everyone really liked them.  So I was pleased.

A few of the patterns

This one was made into the dog's placemat...she's fancy!

So I thought that I had pictures of a few of the towels I completed after cutting everything apart but of course I cannot find them.  I am currently starting a new set on the loom and I hope to sell a few more!  Stay tuned for that!

Another adventure was the Retro Wedding shower I hosted here.  And boy did everyone have fun.  Below are just a few shots of what it looked like:

These are old family photos and cards

 The Future bride practicing with her new niece!
 Everyone was to wear an apron to the shower and the retro theme was seen in decorations, pictures, antiques, and games.  The bride received a lot of kitchen items, recipes and groceries to get started.
These were the recipe cards that everyone filled out with their gift.
So then school let out and my summer fun finally began even though it was the end of June this year....thank you snow days!  I got started on the gardening and some canning already!
Strawberries from the new strawberry plants we got from a nice couple we randomly met while buying farm equipment.  They gave us 60 plants!
However, I still had to go out and buy these to make some jam!
And yes this does taste as good as it looks!  I made 41 jars...yeesh!
Well, I guess that is all for now...stay tuned for the garden updates!!