Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Rewind...Catch up...

Well, it is time to catch you up on everything that has happened since I last wrote. 

Life here has been crazy!  March continued with that white stuff everywhere. 
March 7th

However we made it all winter without one single heating bill!  That wood stove and my fabulous husband kept us toasty warm all winter long!  It's amazing!  Due to the weather, we had a very late start on tilling up the garden, but it provided my husband time to talk me into more tractor implements.  I tell ya....what a guy can dream up when it comes to toys and playing in the dirt. LOL

Somewhere between snow and garden season I found these guys in the yard after days of searching the back 40! 
Speaking of playing in the dirt, we also started digging up the yard.  He took down a large Walnut tree on the West side of the house and then dug a huge hole because he decided to make our crawlspace basement into a full sized basement. This project made me extremely nervous, but my husband is really good at what he does and his plan is a good one.  Recently he and a buddy poured concrete piers to support the foundation of the house so we don't one day wake up with half the house in the hole!
The beginning (walnut tree in background)

And the tree is down.  I unfortunately do not have any photos of that happening because I was babysitting a 5 month old and there was no putting him down.  However his dad was a big help to my hubby so the babysitting was no big deal.
                                         Digging the ditch for the drain tile....Wow-zers!

Pouring the piers

So, back to the garden......the garden was finally tilled up and we got to work.
 My husband says to me...."I hope this is big enough for you because I am not making it any bigger!" 

And here is the garden in process

Here is the start....a few plants in

(I of course said it was fine but in my mind, I knew that it was going to be an issue.  You see a man doesn't get a tractor and a bunch of implements to use and not have more space to play in....I promise you.  It's just not going to happen.)
 I then said to my husband, "Where are my strawberries, rhubarb and asparagus going to go?  They need a permanent spot.  Can we make a raised bed for each?"
HIM: "Ah no, we're not going to do raised beds, I guess I will just have to make another spot for that." (All said as if he were really disappointed....even though I know that in his mind he was excited....another reason to play on his tractor...in the dirt).  So, he got to work and tilled up a new section for me.  He looked happy....really happy.  He loves riding his tractor.  I find it pretty cute.... of course. So we were done...or were we?!?  We got started planting the garden and he had so much fun using his corn planter, he wanted to plant more rows.  Guess who ran out of room?  Guess who said the garden needed to be bigger?  Guess who planned to double/triple the size for next year?  I will give you a clue....it was NOT me, not this time :) LOL.  As you can again guess,  because he did run out of room and wanted to plant more corn....aka play with his new toys more, he expanded the garden again.  And then he planted more sweet corn.  It goes by the name of 'bodacious sweet corn' so naturally when we go out to check on things he looks at me and says 'bodacious' of course trying to be funny. And he is.  How do you not chuckle?

So the garden is in, everything is finally planted.  Even after my last minute purchases on discount at the greenhouse.  I got it all in and the garden is looking amazing!!  

So that is a small overview of things going on here.  You really have to see it all.  There is a lot more that I needed to update, so stay posted ......


  1. I see a walk-about coming in our future. I believe Petey and I need to see this place. I'll bring a basket in case anything needs picking. hehe

  2. bring some garden gloves....I have weeds and bugs that need removal! ;) LOL

  3. Great update, Jenna! You have a beautiful home and property!
