Monday, September 2, 2013


We have lots of little daily projects going on around here but the 'big' projects have gotten under way.  We had some mighty big trucks pulling in here and some wonderful visitors to pour our concrete floor in the pole barn out back.  I had the fun job of baby sitting 2 very cute little munchkins for one of the guys who helped with the pour.  It was a complete blast.  However I was not able to get a lot of pictures because I was quite busy in the kid department.  Whew!

Here is a shot of the trucks:

dumping the concrete off...
really wet concrete

more wet concrete!

Everything went great, the floor looks fabulous and while they were waiting for the concrete to dry they even managed to use the tractor to load up a few truck loads of scrap and make a couple trips to the scrap yard which paid out nicely.  The 'junk' that 'gives back' so to speak!  WHO knew!?!  The environment is cleaner, and we have more $$ for projects.

Our next project was the septic being replaced and moved.  So more big trucks were here that week.  This project we knew about before moving and the owners paid for it at closing, which is nice.  We just stalled because we have ideas....of more projects.....of course!  So we needed to explore options before having the replacement done.  Can't wait !!
And so the day of digging begins!

I had a hard time believing that they could complete the work in one day, but they did.  Someone did come back the next day with a bobcat to try and smooth the ground out, but take a look at the day....
See the lean?  That happened in our big storm in June.....we've waited for it to go on its own in future storms but no these guys took it down for us.

See no wheels!!

and there it goes!!  This will be the site of our new drain field.
old tanks
                        New lines to run to new tanks                New tanks installed

Ready to pour the approach on the barn

The curb pour out back!
The hubby at work!

Pouring a pad for the air conditioner
This is about it on the projects for now.  It has been extremely busy around here!  I am now trying to get the yard back into order after all the big trucks tore it up.  We also had a tree service come to take out trees that weekend as well(more to follow on that project!).  It was overwhelming, but good to have all the busy-ness of the companies coming and going out of the way.  We maybe should have shelled out the extra $$ to have them complete the last of the dirty work so that we had more free time but as the saying goes...."you can't be a Monday morning QUARTER-BACK!"
Well, stayed tuned for what adventures come up next!!!