Thursday, June 27, 2013

Old House~New House

Old House

This is our old house.  My husband built this house himself and poured his blood, sweat and tears into it!  It was a very cute, cozy, nice house.  We just needed more space and room to grow.  We do miss this gorgeous yard!  It will take quite some time to transform the new yard into something this nice, but if we are patient it too will come!  I remember when we first started dating and I visited this house.  The yard was brown and looked like a desert.  This really only took a couple years and some effort!

Well we close on the sale of this home next week!  It will be sad closing that chapter of our lives, but exciting to only have one house payment and one yard to mow!

                                            New house

As you can see, the yard here needs a lot of work!  I am also not crazy about the front appearance as it needs a porch or something.  It also needs landscaping. Nothing like the old house!  We tried to seed it already but it is washing out due to the gutters being clogged!  It seems as though each time we clean them, they clog up prior to the next rain. Of course!!, one step at a time. 


Different angle
One of our barns
Garage/barn...this houses 2 garage stalls and a sliding door with a stall for our tractor.  Basically a 3 stall garage.  It is set up with a wood burning stove. We would like to make it red and add some windows.

So, I had this done but then tried using my phone & deleted 1/2 of the post!  Let's try it again!
Our home was built in the late 1890's to 1900.  We have some documents from the early 1890's.  We were told that there was an original homestead /cabin that was damaged/demolished in a tornado which led them to build the first part of our current home.  It has had additions over the years to become what you see above.  We have more changes in mind, but we agreed that we would wait one year before doing anything.  I am intrigued by the history and wished that these walls could talk.  Some day I will take some more pictures to share of the neat things around here.

1 comment:

  1. I don't recall if I ever told you that our house was originally built downtown in 1836 and then moved to its present location in 1864. There are a few other houses still in town from the same year but nothing older.
