I feel as though it should be January! It is currently a blizzard outside and there is no sign of stopping. The next 2 days forecast a high of 20's and a low in the teens! Nuts! Just plain nuts!
So while the hubby sits outside looking for deers, I'm cooking....take a look!
Roasted these pumpkins and....
Made this puree
I cooked this organic free range chicken with a few treats from the garden!
I still have garden chores to complete. Potatoes are still in the ground, strawberries needed trimming(and weeding), some carrots are still in as well as green onions. I also left a few cool weather things like kale and brussel sprouts! Tomatoe cages were pulled but not put up, and we still have to Till the ground to mulch everything into the soil. They call this an artic blast....of certainly doesn't qualify as a Caribbean blast! (Why can't we get one of those!?!). I'm still hoping that this will stop, warm up, chores will get completed and everyone will work great!
Well, well, well, I suppose this is the reason that the farmers almanac began. It did predict this early weather. How....I am unsure.....but... if you're old school and listened, you're in good shape. I may be a believer this year!
11/18/14: Well, today was a first! First snow day before Thanksgiving that I ever remember. The weather continues to be insane! A good day to stay indoors and hunker down! I made chili, banana bread and cleaned/ re-organized the closet. Whoo-hoo!
I was able to get some of the garden chores completed on Sunday. It was cold, and snow was on the ground, but it had stopped snowing at least....for a second, don't blink! I picked the last of the Brussels and Kale, took care of those tomato cages, and we put up more wood. The veggies later made it to the freezer after a bath and blanch. I'm really looking forward to enjoying that food later! ;)
The deck at 6am
Can you find the driveway?
And just for your viewing pleasure....a 'selfie' with my partner in crime!
What?! Did you really expect it to be a decent shot?
haa! We don't get out much!
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