Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Dirty Life

No, I am not talking about the new least not directly.  

  A few weeks ago one of my aunts contacted me to tell me about this book she had heard about on the news.   It was called The Dirty Life by: Kristin Kimball.  If you enjoy the country life and a story about farming, it's ups & downs, and everything in between you may really enjoy this book.  I ordered my copy on for a good price and I would say I read it in less than one week.

  The story synopsis is a young journalist who goes to PA to write an article about a farmer whom she falls for.  They end up living together and starting from scratch on borrowed land to create a full fledged CSA where members can buy shares and be provided everything from meat, milk, cheese, butter, maple syrup as well as fruit & veggies.  This is a true story and they are currently still functioning in upstate New York.  The farm is completely organic as well.  Their adventures, troubles, and life unfolding is a heart warming story that I felt was relate-able.  She describes using good detail (which I like) and one can feel the emotions being conveyed.  You can even check out their website & blog online with pictures of the farm.  Another perk is that there is a lot of talk about cooking,  and the back of the book contains many of the recipes for you to make!  Double Bonus!

So, if you are looking for a heart warming read and you enjoy, life, love, the country, cooking, farming.....I highly suggest it.  The beginning may be a bit of a slow start, but give it a minute and you will be sucked in!

Enjoy......and if you read it, please let me know your thoughts! I'd love to hear what you think about the book!

Here is a link to Amazon:

1 comment:

  1. You had me at "enjoy life and love" and lost me at "country, farming and cooking."
    I do love a good read, though, so I might have to check it out.
