Well there are a few other things that needed updating. This spring I finally took everything off the loom from my winter work. Here is a view of a few of them. The patterns all turned out cool and everyone really liked them. So I was pleased.
A few of the patterns
This one was made into the dog's placemat...she's fancy!
So I thought that I had pictures of a few of the towels I completed after cutting everything apart but of course I cannot find them. I am currently starting a new set on the loom and I hope to sell a few more! Stay tuned for that!
Another adventure was the Retro Wedding shower I hosted here. And boy did everyone have fun. Below are just a few shots of what it looked like:
These are old family photos and cards
The Future bride practicing with her new niece!
Everyone was to wear an apron to the shower and the retro theme was seen in decorations, pictures, antiques, and games. The bride received a lot of kitchen items, recipes and groceries to get started.
These were the recipe cards that everyone filled out with their gift.
So then school let out and my summer fun finally began even though it was the end of June this year....thank you snow days! I got started on the gardening and some canning already!
Strawberries from the new strawberry plants we got from a nice couple we randomly met while buying farm equipment. They gave us 60 plants!
However, I still had to go out and buy these to make some jam!
And yes this does taste as good as it looks! I made 41 jars...yeesh!
Well, I guess that is all for now...stay tuned for the garden updates!!